Staci lives in State College, PA (home of Penn State). Besides selling on etsy, Contempo Jewels can be found at some galleries, boutiques and art shows. Her studio/gallery is located in Surface Artist Cooperative (www.surfcaeartistcoop.com). Surface is an old barn that has been completely transformed. It showcases 6 creative women in several different mediums including pottery, home decoration, photography and bath & body products.

Staci specializes in custom designs and bridal "It’s my absolute favorite! Being a small part of someone’s big day is an honor and I cherish every moment. I am happy to create custom designs on any budget".

Please remember, when you buy handmade you are supporting an independent artist and small business.
Contempo Jewels - www.contempojewels.etsy.com
Contempo Jewelry - www.contempojewelry.net
Facebook Fan page - www.facebook.com/contempojewelry
Twitter - www.twitter.com/contempojewels
Blog - www.contempoweddings.tumblr.com

Contempo Jewels is a proud member of the Etsy Treasure Lover Team!