Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's the end of the school year!

Yeah!!! for summer vacation!!! I might have to take my son out for ice cream today to celebrate the end of a great school year. He brought all "A"s and did an excellent job in his EOGs. Now, we are looking forward to a wonderful summer fill of activities. I checked out some books from the library to look for places to explore in our beautiful State. He's been looking for science books as well to try new experiments. He is reading about MadScience. That should be interesting :-) Why can't we just do art or music? Hopefully he won't drive me too crazy this summer :-)

Changing the subject a little bit here, am I the only one getting overwhelmed with Facebook lately? I mean, FB is a great tool! Don't get me wrong. I just can't seem to catch up with this whole virtual world. So many groups, events, invitations, friends request,etc...It's getting out of control :-)

Ok, I need to go back to work. I've been spending way too much time in the computer rather than creating :-( It's time to be productive!!! Talk to you soon.

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